October 28, 2019

The idea for KC IMAGINE grew out of a conference held by Ron Green, Executive Director of digiSTORY KC, and Gary Sage, Board Member of Thank You Walt Disney. They explored an idea for the future of the renovated Laugh-O-gram building, where Walt Disney launched his first commercial animation studio, with representatives from area colleges.

Would area universities be interested in providing educational programs focused on animation and digital media within the very space where the animation industry was born 100 years ago? Representatives of 14 universities said yes.

They expressed an interest in forming an organization that would connect all the stakeholders in such an endeavor - educators, digital media employers and students interested in this industry as a career. KC IMAGINE was born.

Gary Sage leads a panel discussion on industry needs with KC area digital media professionals at the first meeting of KC IMAGINE

Winter 2020

An Industry Needs Survey helped identify priorities to advance the digital media ecosystem in the Kansas City region. A key need identified was for networking opportunities for area professionals and educators to begin to establish a collaborative digital community in the city and in the region.  

May 2020

Industry Camp, launched with a kickoff program at the Kansas City Central Library, created in partnership with the Kansas City Public Library and ParentCamp. IndustryCamp encouraged digital media professionals to connect, strengthen and collaborate through networking and shared problem solving through online meetings during the pandemic.

September 2022

A new in-person event format, DIGITAL SCENE KC was launched. Offered every other month, the networking event features a theme or subject area of interest within digital media disciplines, and emphasizes networking and continuing education by connecting attendees to best practice experts from the digital media community.  Each session is hosted at a unique location of importance to that session’s theme. 

July 2022

An Advisory Council was established and begins to meet quarterly to provide direction for the organization.

November 2022

The KC IMAGINE newsletter was launched.

January 2023

KC IMAGINE hosted their first major conference, with attendance that exceeded expectations. Creating the Future of Digital Media in Kansas City featured a panel discussion, a keynote speaker (Matt Mills, Group Creative Director from Barkley), and several breakout sessions. 

The audience at the first KC IMAGINE conference, January 2023

The audience at our first KC IMAGINE conference in January, 2023