Yes! We want you to get involved with KC IMAGINE! There is a place for everyone in the digital media world, and those who want to become a part of it.

Who we hope will become involved:

Business Leaders
Sign up for networking opportunities with other area businesses in related media fields, educators who are training your next hire, and expand your opportunities to meet and recruit quality digital media interns and employees. Would you like to be part of a Digital Scene KC presentation to share your business with the community? Be part of an upcoming conference, our Advisory Board or a Corporate Sponsor? We’d love to hear from you!

Sign up for the opportunity to meet and mingle with prospective students and promote your programs at our events and conferences. Stay in touch with developments in the professional fields they are training for and connect with business leaders looking for interns and new hires. We’d love to hear from you!

Students (Of every age!)
From High School students to seasoned professionals who want to continue to evolve and expand their skills, we encourage you to sign up for our email list. You’ll hear about how to attend our free KC Digital Scene events and conferences. There you’ll meet educators from area Digital Media Programs and leaders from regional businesses who are there to help you learn, grow, and find the information you are looking for about digital media careers, internships and the training you need to get there. Sign up to be on the mailing list for our newsletters and event information below.